Committees, sub-committees and boards
Committees, sub-committees and boards are divisional, elected bodies which are divided by their tasks and are responsible for successful organization of the services in their field. The City Council appoints the members and the presidium of these bodies. The bodies will decide independently on their meeting schedule. The known meeting days will be published (in Finnish) on the city’s electronic bulletin board and on the official notice board (Service Point Porina, Yrjönkatu 6 B). The meetings of the committees, sub-committees and boards are not open to the public, but the public parts of their agendas and records are published online (in Finnish).
- Education Committee
- Adult Education Centre Administration Sub-committee
- Technical Committee
- Environment and Permit Services Committee
- Environment and Health Sub-committee
- Waste Disposal Sub-committee
- Public Transport Sub-committee
- Social and Health Services Sub-committee
- Audit Committee
- Central Election Committee
- Pori Municipal Service Enterprise Board
- Pori Water Company Board
- Satakunta Rescue Department Board