Sports halls

Gym in Karhuhalli sports hall

Gym in Karhuhalli sports hall


Karhuhalli is a combined football- and multipurpose hall. The hall has an artificial lawn football field of 100m x 64m. In addition the field has two 400 meter tracks. Sport happenings, major public events, fairs, meetings and conferences can be held at Karhuhalli.

Address: Urheilutie 1, 28500 Pori
Contact information:, Mob: +358 (0)44 701 1442
Opening hours

Sports hall of Pori

Sports hall of Pori

Sports Hall of Pori

Sports hall of Pori is a multipurpose hall where you can play basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis and table tennis, floorball, squash, futsal and practice judo, karate, wrestling, power- and weightlifting, rhythmical sports, running, boxing, gymnastics, long, high and triple jumping, pole-vaulting, throw discuses and shots and use the gym.

Address: Kuninkaanhaanaukio 6, 28130 Pori
Contact information:, Mob:+358 (0)44 701 1452
Opening hours

The picture shows a red brick house.

Youth center in the center of Pori

Youth Center

Downtown’s youth center has two sport halls and several other rooms you can occupy.

Address: Isolinnankatu 12, 28100 Pori
Contact information:, Mob:+ 358 (0)44 701 1421 (janitor)
Opening hours