Swimming halls

Centre public swimming hall in Pori

Pori centre public swimming hall

Pori central swimming hall

The swimming hall is located in the Kuninkaanhaka district close to the city centre. A spa-like swimming hall with seven different kinds of pools, such as an Olympic-size swimming pool, hot tub, children’s pool, cold pool and a 32-degree-centigrade multipurpose pool. In addition, there is a 50-metre water slide in the swimming hall, partly running outside the building. The services of the swimming hall also include a cafeteria and gym.

The Olympic-size pool can be divided into two smaller pools with a moveable bulkhead. The diving pool has 1- and 3-metre springboards and 1-, 3- and 5-metre platforms. The eight-lane 50-metre pool of the swimming hall meets the requirements for international swimming competitions. The swimming hall has an attendance capacity of 400 spectators.

Please notice that men’s long sleeve swimming shorts are not allowed in the pool.

Address: Presidentinpuistokatu 6, 28130 Pori
Contact information: keskusta.uimahalli@pori.fi, Mob. +358 (0)44 701 2734
Opening hours

Meri-Pori public swimming hall

Meri-Pori public swimming hall

Meri-Pori swimming hall

The Meri-Pori swimming hall is located in the Pihlava district of Pori. It was completed in 1985.

The swimming hall includes a 25-metre pool, children’s pool, wading pool and a water slide. In addition to the pools, the hall features a gym, cafeteria and stands for 100 spectators.

Please notice that men’s long sleeve swimming shorts are not allowed in the pool.

Address: Mustalammentie 14, 28800 Pori
Contact information: meri-pori.uimahalli@pori.fi, Mob: +358 (0)44 701 1465
Opening hours

Open air public swimming pool

Open air public swimming pool

Pori open-air swimming pool

The Pori open-air swimming pool has been a favourite among the locals since it was completed in 1957.

The open-air swimming pools include a full-scale jumping tower, water slide and three pools of different sizes, as well as saunas and changing rooms. The low Functionalism-styled building complex designed by the architect Yrjö Lindegren is among the most significant of its type.

In addition to the summer season lasting to the end of September, the open-air swimming pool is also open in the winter, with an opportunity to swim in 3–5-degree-centigrade water similar to ice swimming.

Please notice that men’s long sleeve swimming shorts are not allowed in the pool.

Address: Metsämiehenkatu 8, 28500 Pori
Contact information: maauimala@pori.fi, Mob: +358 (0)44 701 1447
Opening hours