All children, permanently residing in Finland and from the age of 7 have to attend basic education or otherwise complete a similar level of learning. Basic education lasts for 9 years.
In the City of Pori, every child can attend a school in the neighbourhood. The intention is that with various supportive measures as many children as possible are able to attend the nearby school. In other cases the pupil will attend a special school.
After the school day, pupils have an opportunity to attend various activities that are arranged in the afternoon at the school or at various clubs.
Teaching, textbooks and other materials, tools etc. are free of charge in basic education and pupils are offered a free daily meal. In addition, school health care and other welfare services are free to the pupils. All pupils of compulsory school age have the right to guidance and support in learning and other schoolwork as soon as need arises.
Basic education is divided into grades. Year-classes 1–6 are mainly taught by class teachers and year-classes 7–9 by specialised subject teachers. As a rule, all teachers have a Master’s-level university degree.
There are about 7000 pupils in basic education in Pori.
In the City of Pori there are 16 schools for year-classes 1-6 and four schools for classes 7-9. Five schools have all 1-9 classes and four schools provide special education.
Teaching is given in the Finnish language. In case the child is not able to understand Finnish, he or she can attend preparatory teaching in order to learn the language. After this the pupil will attend the nearby school with teaching in Finnish.
In the city of Pori, basic education is available in English in one school. Basic education is also provided in Björneborgs svenska samskola in Swedish, in Steiner school with applied steiner pedagogy and in Pori Christian school.
The school year starts in the middle of August and ends at the turn of May/June.