MONIPORI-multilingual info

MONIPORI-multilingual info
In MONIPORI-info, which started operations at the beginning of 2023, the customer receives support and guidance in matters related to, for example, dealings with authorities, applying for residence permits, and matters related to study, work and housing.
The low-threshold advisory service in a central location on Teljäntori helps new residents of Pori to settle down. Guidance is also be done via WhatsApp, e-mail or phone. At the moment, the customer can receive guidance in their own language in Arabic and Russian. Interpretation in other languages is also arranged if the customer requests it. MONIPORI also reaches international students and co-operates with local educational institutions.
In MONIPORI we support you to learn to deal with Finnish authorities, so there is no need to be afraid of grammar mistakes. KELA counseling is also available from MONIPORI with an appointment.
Opening hours:
Yrjönkatu 15 A 5. krs, 28100 Pori
From Monday to Friday at 9-15 o’clock
Guidance in Arabic, Walid, phone: 044 724 7476
Guidance in Russian, Olga phone: 050 533 7934
Make an appointment by calling or WhatsApp!
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