Upper secondary schools offer general education for students of about 16-19 years of age. This continues the educational task of the comprehensive school and provides students with the capabilities to continue to further studies.
The admission requirement for general upper secondary education is a school-leaving certificate from basic education. Students apply to general and/or vocational education through a joint application system. If the number of applicants exceeds the intake, the selection is based on students’ school reports. The drop-out rate is low.
The general upper secondary school is based on courses with no specified year-classes. The scope of the syllabus is three years but the studies may be accomplished in two, three or four years. The students may proceed in their studies either as a group or individually.
General upper secondary education is primarily free of charge for students, but students have to pay for the materials.
The City of Pori has about 1300 students in two general upper secondary schools, one of which is for adult students.
The upper secondary school ends in a matriculation examination, which does not qualify for any occupation. Passing the matriculation examination entitles students to continue studies in universities, polytechnics or vocational institutions.
Matriculation examination is drawn up nationally, and there is a centralised body to check its individual tests against uniform criteria.
Further information on basic and general upper secondary education can be obtained from the Educational Centre of the City of Pori e-mail: sivistystoimiala@pori.fi.